Cyphacon CEDH $2k CASH/GAEA'S CRADLE Entry

Sale price$100.00
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Welcome to our 2nd Cyphacon experience with Lvl 1 Gaming!!

This year we are offering a 3-day weekend convention badge that comes with FREE entry to our CEDH $2k Cash + Beckett 9 Judge foil GAEA'S CRADLE tournament!

Along with your entry for our main event, you will also get FREE entry to our 2nd chance Win-a-box casual commander event happening later in the evening!

Hosted by Legendary Louisiana native store Gamer's Paradise, we are in for an exciting weekend!


10:30 AM

Saturday April 12th

Lake Charles Event Center

During Cyphacon Weekend

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Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.

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